For girls 10-12 years old girls with their mama/caretaker

A Celebration Day for Girls is a one-day workshop for 10-12 years old girls with their mother or female carer. This carefully crafted workshop was designed by Jane Bennett to support girls and mothers at this special threshold in both their lives, and to provide an affirming, grounded and connected celebration of the journey to womanhood.
Menarche, the first menstruation
Menarche signifies the beginning of a girl’s fertile years and the menstrual cycle is an intrinsic part of nearly half of her life. For many girls this is a time of embarrassment, anxiety and mixed messages about what it means to be a girl in a maturing female body.
Importance of good preparation
Extensive research has shown that young girls who approach menarche well prepared—with a positive introduction and emotional support—experience higher self-esteem, fewer negative cycle related symptoms, favourable overall menstrual perception and easier subsequent births.
Our experience shows that girls who experience menarche well prepared, with a positive introduction and emotional support, approach their first period with curiosity and excitement and an openness that allows them to seek out the information and help they need.
Jane Bennett:
A Celebration Day for Girls was lovingly crafted by Jane Bennett over 15 years into the beautiful creation it is today. She continues to train facilitators all around the world to spread this work as far and wide as possible. Mirella is a trained facilitator of this work, accredited by Jane.

Video van Jane’s Celebration Day for Girls in Australie:
And, for the mothers/caretakers
Much of the role of provider of information, wisdom and guidance falls, naturally and rewardingly, to mothers and female carers. For this reason we meet on our own (mothers and facilitator) for a two-hour session before the Celebration Day. This is an important preparation for the Day and allows time for adult conversation and storytelling. During this session mothers commonly receive ideas and support for their unfolding mother-daughter relationship as they journey the adolescent years together.

Many women also discover rich and intriguing doorways into a new experience of their own cyclic journey.
Mothers and daughters are reporting that their relationship is enriched and enlivened as the doors of communication in this key area of female experience and development are opened wide.

What mothers and daughters say :
“Layla came home the night of the workshop and informed her dad and almost-12 year old brother of all the amazing, wonderful things she learned!! I also feel there has been a shift in our mother/daughter relationship. It's like we've been initiated into a special club, exclusive just to the two of us - it's wonderful!”
“since the celebration day Sophie has been so chatty and open - asking questions about menstruation and talking about all the changes and experiences of puberty. I'm so pleased.”
“This day was such fun! I want my other friends to do it and Mum has to bring my little sisters when she’s 11.”

About Mirella
I have a great love for informing and empowering girls and women in their womanhood. It is time to be proud of our feminine qualities and to embrace them. The menstrual cycle has a bad reputation, while it can be a source of inspiration and strength. With fun, humor and enthusiasm I give different workshops for women and girls.
I am trained by Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer of the Redschool England and Jane Bennett from Australia.
The Celebration Day has two sessions:
- A two hour mother/caretaker session
- Day workshop: For the girls from 10.00-16.00, mums will be joining with lunch from 13.00-16.00
Price: 95 euro for both sessions, including use of various materials
This workshop can be held in English as well, if you have a group of 7-15 mother-daughter couples together. I can come to school, place, home.
For more information or questions please contact me:
Phone: 0031-6-16408925
Reserve your place and sign up here:
The next workshop will be:
16th February 2019 in Culemborg. More details on venue later.